Creating Language I/O Salesforce Case Translation and Metadata Reports
Translation reports can be a useful tool that provides you with the raw data that you need to review your cases for a given time period and create analytics such as looking at average conversation length, word counts, frequent locales, cases metadata, etc.
Turn around times
As of v2.33, organizations also have the ability to see how much time each translation takes (except for translations of attachment) and create reports on average handling times for cases.
This data has three components:
- time when source text was sent for translation (the time the agent clicks the "Translate" button)
- time when the translation returns and is posted (the time the system returns the translation to the agent)
- a unique identifier for the translation request (translation id)
In this article
Creating Report Types
Before you can create reports, you must first create report types. If you already created report types, you can skip this section and go directly to Creating Reports. There are two types or report types:
Creating a Language I/O SF Case Translations Report Type
To create a case report type, follow these steps:
- From the Setup Home screen, go to Feature Settings > Analytics > Reports & Dashboards > Report Types:
- Click on New Custom Report Type:
- Fill in the following details:
- Primary Object:LinguistNow Translations
- Report Type Label:Language I/O Case Translations
- Description: What the type does, for example "Used to generate a report containing Language I/O Lightning Case translations and metadata"
- Store in Category: Customer Support Reports
Deployment Status: Deployed
- Click Next.
- Click Save in the bottom right corner.
Creating a Language I/O SF Case Metadata Report Type
To create a metadata report type, follow these steps:
- From the Setup Home screen, go to Feature Settings > Analytics > Reports & Dashboards > Report Types:
- Click on New Custom Report Type:
- Fill in the following details:
- Primary Object:LinguistNowThreads
- Report Type Label: Language I/O Case Metadata
- Description: What the type does, for example "Used to generate a report containing metadata related to translation requests including status, translation type (machine translation vs. human translation) and word count."
- Store in Category: Customer Support Reports
Deployment Status: Deployed
- Click Next.
- Click Save in the bottom right corner.
Creating Reports
After you create case or metadata report types, you can create the corresponding reports:
- Creating a Report from an Existing Language I/O SF Case Translations Report Type
- Creating a Report from an Existing Language I/O SF Case Metadata Report Type
Creating a Report from an Existing Language I/O SF Case Translations Report Type
To create a case report, follow these steps:
- First, select the report type that you need. In Reports, go to New Report > Customer Support Reports > Language I/O Lightning Case Translations:
- Click Continue.
- Add columns or groups. The following are required:
- TranslationText
- Translation Start
- Translation End
- LinguistNowTranslation ID
- Under Filters, apply the correct date filters:
- Click Run in the upper right.
- Once generated, your report should look like the following example:
Creating a Report from an Existing Language I/O SF Case Metadata Report Type
To create a metadata report type, follow these steps:
- First, select the report type that you need. In Reports, go to New Report > Customer Support Reports > Language I/O Lightning Case Metadata:
- Click Continue.
- Add the following columns or groups:
- CaseId
- Created By
- IsMachine
- This indicates if it was a machine translation or human translation.
- Created Date
- Status Message
- Word Count
- Under Filters, apply the correct date filters:
- Click Run in the upper right.
- Once generated, your report should look like the following example:
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