Salesforce Winter 21 Release - Required Configuration Changes
The Salesforce Winter 21 release brings changes related to how permission is granted to the Apex classes that are part of the Language I/O chat and case translation apps. As a result, all users of the Language I/O apps will need to update permissions to our classes and this document walks you through two different options.
Secondly, changes associated with this release also cause a display problem and quick text issue with the Language I/O chat app for lightning.
Lightning Chat Display Issue
The Winter 21 Release causes the Language I/O app to display on our tab below a large amount of white space as shown in the below screenshot. There is also an issue with our quicktext integration. Here's the package installation upgrade URL for the LIO Chat 2.30 upgrade that addresses the integration issues with the Winter 21 release. Please install this upgrade if you are using the Language I/O chat app for Salesforce Lightning.
Permissions Reconfiguration
This change applies to Aura and Lightning web components in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Classic, Lightning communities, and all versions of the Language I/O Salesforce Chat and Case apps. If the below steps are not taken, the Language I/O app will not display for your users.
Specifically, the Winder 21 release restricts access to @AuraEnabled Apex Methods for authenticated users based on user profile (Update, Enforced). This update gives you more control over which authenticated users can access Apex classes containing @AuraEnabled methods. When this update is enforced, an authenticated user can access an @AuraEnabled Apex method only when the user’s profile allows access to the Apex class. This update is enforced in Winter ’21.
When: This update was created in Winter ’20 and is enforced when a sandbox or production org is upgraded to Winter ’21. Enforcement starts for some sandboxes on August 9, 2020. To get the major release upgrade date for your instance, go to Trust Status, search for your instance, and click the maintenance tab. For details about the Salesforce update visit this link.
Required Fix for ALL Language I/O Case & Chat App Installations
To reset permissions to the Language I/O Apex classes that power our chat and case apps you have two options, both of which we guide you through below.
- Use a permission set
- Enable access to a public Apex controller from a managed package using a user profile by enabling the enhanced profile user interface.
Use a Permission Set
- Create a permission set
- Click “New”. Enter a label and optionally a description. Click “Save”.
- Click on Apex Class Access and Edit.
- Add the following classes to the “Enabled Apex Classes”:
- LinguistNow_LiveAgentTranslator
- LinguistNow_TranslateDraftPlugin
- Lio_Case
- Click on “Manage Assignments” to assign this custom permission set to any users who are using “Language I/O Chat” plug-in.
Use a Profile
- Enable the enhanced profile user interface (if not enabled already). From Setup/User Management Settings, toggle on “Enhanced Profile User Interface”.
- From Setup/Profiles, click on the profile you want to enable Apex Classes. Click on “Apex Class Access”.
- Follow the same procedure as in Permission Set to enable the Apex classes.
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