Release Notes - Language I/O for Salesforce Case version 2.33
These are the Release Notes for version 2.33, released December 18th, 2024.
Please see the installation instructions in Installing Language I/O Case for Salesforce for the installation link.
Creating Translation Turn-Around Time Reports
You can now report within Salesforce for each translation:
- the time when the source text was sent for translation
- this is the moment when the agent or or the end user sent the message.
- the time when the translation was returned
- this is the moment when the translation response is received in Salesforce.
- the unique identifier for each translation
- this is typically the translation id
You can find more information about how to create this report here.
Displaying original and translation for outbound emails
A bug was found, where agents who translated an outbound email could no longer see the translation in the Language I/O Case component. As a consequence, they could not reference what was originally written and what it was translated to. This is now fixed, with the following:
- When an agent translates an outbound email, the Language I/O component shows both the original text and the translation.
- The original text is labeled as "Agent Email". The translation is labeled "Original Translation".
- The ability to Partially Translate and Translate is preserved. This is so that if another agent takes over the case, but speaks a third language, can translate the content again to their own language.
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