Release Notes - Language I/O for Salesforce Messaging version 1.13.1
These are the Release Notes for version 1.13.1, released April 11th, 2024.
If you are installing the application for the first time, see the installation instructions in Setting up Language I/O Chat in Salesforce (admin guide) for the installation link.
Named Credentials replace Protected Settings
From v1.13 onwards, installing Language I/O for Salesforce messaging will require the creation of Named Credentials (instead of the configuration of Protected Settings that was valid until now).
Application migrated to Lightning Web Components (LWC)
We migrated the component of the Language I/O application for Salesforce Messaging to Salesforce's Lightning Web Components (LWC). LWC is the recommended approach for new development projects due to its performance, productivity, and future-proof advantages.
Language I/O tab not loading after end of session
A bug was found where, if an agent ended a session that used the Language I/O, then returned to it, neither the Language I/O tab nor the messages would load. This is now fixed and the tab and messages load correctly when an agent revisits a finished session.
Whatsapp audio message not playable in the Language I/O component
A bug was found where, when an agent in a Whatsapp session received an audio message, the format of the clip would not be recognized and as a result, the clip was not playable in the Language I/O tab. However, the clip could load correctly in the standard component tab. This is now fixed and audio messages from Whatsapp can now be played from the Language I/O tab as expected.
Component error upon loading the translation tab
A bug was found where a component error would sometimes occur when the agent opened a session on the standard component by default, then tried to open the translation tab. This caused an error message to pop up. This is now fixed and the translation tab loads correctly as expected.
Language detection not working when auto responders were missing
A bug was found where, if the Language I/O app attempted to detect a language but the detected language did not have a Language I/O auto responder associated with it, then the detection would fail, the language would not be set, and subsequent messages would not be translated. This is now fixed.
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