Platform Events in Language I/O Packages for Salesforce
What are platform events?
You can use platform events to connect business processes in Salesforce and external apps through the exchange of real-time event data. Platform events are secure and scalable messages that contain data. Publishers publish event messages that subscribers receive in real time. To customize the data published, define platform event fields.
For more information, see the Salesforce documentation on platform events (This link opens the Salesforce Help Center).
Platform Events in Language I/O packages
This is a list of the platform events in the Chat and Case packages.
Chat Platform Events
Content Attached (ContentAttached__e
- Purpose: The event is used to capture an attachment being created on a record related to a Live Chat Transcript, to show the attachment on the Language I/O Chat component.
- When it fires: Each time an attachment is created for an Account, Contact, Case or Lead related to a Live Chat Transcript record that is currently In Progress.
Rating Changed (RatingChanged__e
- Purpose: The event is used when the Agent or Customer Quality Flag functionality is enabled. It captures the action where the flag was clicked or un-clicked and display a notification on the Language I/O Chat component.
- When it fires: Each time the end-user or agent clicks on the flag icon during a chat.
Case Platform Events
Translation Complete (TranslationComplete__e
- Purpose: The Case managed package offers an invocable method called ‘Translate Custom Field’. This method is called from a customer's custom logic (for example. from a flow) to translate the content of a custom field on the fly. The translation is done asynchronously. When the translation is completed, the ‘Translation Complete’ platform event, which contains the translation result, is fired with the intention of it being captured back by the custom logic.
- When it fires: This platform event is not fired by the managed package logic. Instead, its purpose is to be used by a custom logic, which may vary depending on the customer's configuration.
Locale Changed (LocaleChanged__e
- This platform event is listed here for the sake of completeness, but is not actually in use.
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