Restricting access to the Language I/O component to certain users or profiles
The purpose of this article is to show the various options currently available to restrict visibility to the Language I/O components in the Chat, Case, Messaging and Article packages.
These methods may be valid for one or several packages. The methods are the following:
- Aura Components visibility (Chat, Case, Messaging)
- Visualforce page visibility (Article)
- Permission Sets (Chat, Case, Article)
Aura Components visibility (Chat, Case, Messaging)
Lightning component filters
The lightning component filters allow to restrict or enhance visibility by user, profile or custom permissions.
By default, if no filters are added, all users assigned to the Lightning Page can see the component.
Navigate to the lightning page that contains the component for which you want to update the visibility, and click on the ‘Edit Page’ option on the upper right corner.
Click on the component that needs to be updated and then click on the ‘Add Filter’ button on the right panel
Next click on the ‘Advanced’ tab and then on the ‘Select’ button
At this point, there are various filtering options at your disposal:
- filter by user
- filter by role
- filter by profile
- filter by custom permissions.
Filter by user
Admins can restrict or enhance component visibility for individual users. Choose a field to filter on based on the specific business need. For example, choose Email or Username in order to uniquely determine a user. Click on ‘Done’ after you select the user field:
Filter by Role or Profile
You can also filter by the role or profile. This means that only users in the selected roles or profiles can access the lightning component:
To complete the filter, add filter operators. For example, show the lightning component only to users that have the profile name equal to ‘System Admin’:
Filter by custom permissions
Custom Permissions give the option to group and filter on users that are assigned to different profiles.
If a custom permission with this purpose is not yet created, go to Setup and search for ‘Custom Permissions’, then click on ‘New’.
Fill in the required information and click Save:
Next, go to the profile to which you want to assign the permission. Search for Custom Permissions:
Click Edit and assign the custom permission. Finally, click Save.
On the Aura Component, you can now filter by Custom Permissions. Similarly to adding filters by User fields, Profiles or Roles, click on the Add Filter button and select Permissions > Custom Permissions as the filter criteria.
You can see the custom permission that you just created in the list:
You can add multiple filters and combine them for a single Aura component:
Visualforce page visibility (Article)
Restrict access for the Visualforce Tab or Page
The proposed solution is to hide the tab that contains the Knowledge functionality or similarly, restrict access to the Visualforce page that contains the Knowledge functionality.
Please note that if you restrict access to the Visualforce page, users can still access the Language I/O Knowledge tab. However, they receive an error message stating that the current user does not have access to the page.
in Setup, search for Profiles and select the targeted profile from the list:
Tab access
Go to Object settings:
Locate the Visualforce tab in the list of objects. Click on the tab, then click on Edit and update the visibility to Default Off:
Visualforce Page access
Select Visualforce Page Access
Click on Edit and, if enabled, move the ‘LIOAT.helpProjects’ page to the 'Available Visualforce Pages section.
Permission Sets (Chat, Case, Article)
This method is proposed with the assumption that the targeted customer is using the permissions sets included in the Language I/O managed packages and does not have it’s own permissions configuration. If customers have their own permission sets for Language I/O access, the same steps must be applied to the customer permissions sets instead of the Language I/O permission sets.
By default, users cannot perform any operations with the Language I/O plugins unless they are added to the permission sets that are included in the managed packages.
Please note that removing a user from the permission set does not hide the components, but instead will not show any elements on the component or will show an error message stating that the user does not have access to perform the operations they have requested.
Restricting or allowing access from permission sets is only possible at a user level, not at a profile level.
In order to add or remove users to the Language I/O permission set:
- Go to Setup
- Search for Permission Sets
- Search for the corresponding permission sets for each managed package:
- Language I/O Chat User for the Chat plugin
- Language I/O Response User for the Case plugin
- Language I/O Quote User and Language I/O Non Quote User for the Article plugin
Once you access the permission set, click on Manage Assignments:
Select the users that you want to remove from the permission set, then click on the icon highlighted in the image below:
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