Upgrading Language I/O Incidents in OSC BUI
Note: The current version of the Language I/O add-in is 3.0.0. All necessary files are attached at the bottom of this article.
Update the Language I/O Extension ZIP file
- Download the "LanguageIO_BUI_Incident.zip" file attached at the bottom of this article.
- Go to Site Configuration > Add-In Manager > Agent Browser UI Extensions and select (single-click) the "LanguageIO_BUI_Incident.zip" extension.
- Click Update in the Ribbon:
- From the file explorer, select the "LanguageIO_BUI_Incident.zip" that tour downloaded in Step 1.
- Make sure that you check the “init.html” and “configs.json” files in the “Init File” and “Configuration” columns (respectively)
- Click Save in the Ribbon.
Verify Language I/O Custom Fields
- Verify the Status Custom Field
- Since your are updating an existing installation, the Language I/O Status Custom Field should already exist.
- Verify the Custom Language Field
- The Custom Language Field should already exist if your are updating an existing installation AND if you are using custom locales instead of the built-in interface locales.
Import and Deploy the Language I/O Custom Object
- Download the "LNThread.zip" file attached at the bottom of this article.
- Go to Configuration > Database > Object Designer
- Click Import on the Ribbon and import the .zip file:
- Answer Next to the prompts to merge the object.
- Click Save in the Ribbon.
- Click Deploy in the Ribbon and check the Deploy Immediately box.
- After you deploy the objects, click on Extra Options.
- Enable all LNThread permissions for any agents who will use the extension.
- Click Save.
Add the Required Fields and Custom Fields
- Since your are updating an existing installation, the design tab for Language I/O should already exist.
- Make sure that the LanguageIO_BUI_Incident extension is still present on your BUI Incident workspace(s).
Verify Server Configuration Settings
- Go to Configuration > Site Configuration > Add-In Manager > Agent Browser UI Extensions > LanguageIO_BUI_Incident > Profile Access and select the relevant profile and interface. Verify that the properties still have their respective values.
- You can see two new settings:
- Translation_QualityRatingType setting: Indicates whether or not agents are allowed to provide quality rating feedback on translated messages they receive from the end-user. Set to 1 to enable a flag rating mechanism, or 0 to disable.
- WordCountWarningThreshold: defaults to 0. If this is set to a number greater than 0, an alert triggers to verify if the agent wants to continue when an incoming message translation has a wordcount greater than the provided value.
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