Upgrading Language I/O Incidents in OSC Desktop (.NET)
Note: The current version of the Language I/O add-in is 3.1. All necessary files are attached at the bottom of this article.
Verify Language I/O Custom Fields
- Verify the Status Custom Field
- Since your are updating an existing installation, the Language I/O Status Custom Field should already exist.
- Verify the Custom Language Field
- The Custom Language Field should already exist if your are updating an existing installation AND if you are using custom locales instead of the built-in interface locales.
Import and Deploy the Language I/O Custom Object Definition
- Download the "LNThread.zip" file attached at the bottom of this article.
- Go to Configuration > Database > Object Designer
- Click Import on the Ribbon and import the .zip file:
- Answer Next to all prompts to merge the object.
- Click Save in the Ribbon.
- Click Deploy in the Ribbon and check the Deploy Immediately box.
- After you deploy the objects, click on Extra Options.
- Enable all LNThread permissions for any agents who will use the extension.
- Click Save.
Install the Language I/O Response Add-In Zip
- Download the "LanguageIO_Response.zip" file attached at the bottom of this article
- Go to Configuration > Site Configuration > Add-in Manager > and select (single click) "LanguageIO_Response.zip".
- In the Ribbon, click Update.
- Select the "LanguageIO_Response.zip" from the file explorer
- At this point you should see that the package name is in italics. This means that there is a new version of the file that needs to be saved.
Note: If you receive an error from Oracle during this update due to there being multiple DLL files in the zip, it is possible that OSC cached a previous version of the extension. To fix this, close OSC and delete the AddInDir directory.
The directory path is typicallyC:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\Temp\AddInValidation\AddInDir
. - Click on "LanguageIO_Response.zip". Then, in the Ribbon, select Profile Access and make sure that all necessary agent profiles have the addd-in enabled.
- In the Ribbon, click Save.
- Restart OSC Desktop for the changes to take effect.
Verify that the Language I/O Response & Status Field exists in the Incident Workspace
If your are updating an existing installation, this should already be done. To verify that it exists, open an incident and locate the Language I/O tab.
Grant Profiles API and LNThread Custom Object Permissions
- Verify that agent profiles still have API and LNThread Custom Object Permissions
- Go to Configuration > Staff Management > Profiles report and perform the below steps for each profile that will have access to the Language I/O Response add-in.
- The Add-In requires the following permissions to function:
- Public SOAP API: Account Authentication, Session Authentication;
- Custom Objects: LNThread -> Read, Add/Edit;
- Incidents: Read, Add/Edit, Send Response.
Note: These can be enabled for each user profile, or for a single Add-In account or profile. If the latter, use the credentials for this account in Step 6 "Site_OscSoapLogin".
Verify Server Configuration Properties
- Go to Configuration > Site Configuration > Add-In Manager > LanguageIO_Response.zip > Profile Access and select the relevant profile and interface. Verify that the properties still have their respective values.
- You can see three new settings:
- Site_IncidentLocaleField_UseLabels: Indicates the string label values for custom locale menu options are used instead of the numeric ID values, useful for using the same Language I/O consumer across multiple OSC sites where the custom locale menu options have different IDs.
- Translation_QualityRatingType: Indicates whether or not agents are allowed to provide quality rating feedback on translated messages they receive from the end-user. Set to **1** to enable a flag rating mechanism, or **0** to disable.
- Config_WordCountWarningThreshold: defaults to 0. If this is set to a number greater than 0, an alert triggers to verify if the agent wants to continue when an incoming message translation has a wordcount greater than the provided value.
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